

Barcelona y el modernismo

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Price: 10,60€

Collection: Children

Objective public: Infantil/Juvenil

Pages: 28

Illuspations: 26

Size: 24,5 x 22,5 cm


Barcelona and Gaudí

Lluís Albert Arrufat y Roger Roig

Carla and Pol are great friends who are always keen to discover new things in their own surroundings and, in particular, to explore new places, learning details of their history and talking with the people who live there. Zum-Zum is a very special balloon that becomes their inseparable friend. They have not spent a moment apart from him ever since they met him one day at a fair. Zum-Zum takes them into the most surprising situations and, thanks to him, Pol and Carla have exciting new experiences every day. On this occasion, they have the chance to contribute towards the construction of the Sagrada Familia temple. It seems that somebody wants to stop construction on this famous work forever. The children will have to overcome a lot of obstacles and confront different kinds of danger as they discover details of Barcelona’s Modernist buildings with their exceptional guide. Moreover, they are helped by all the “stone” animals that the brilliant architect Antoni Gaudí created. This is a “monumental” adventure.

Lluís Albert Arrufat y Roger Roig

Lluís Albert Arrufat was born in Vila-seca in 1965. He has a Fine Arts degree and works as a teacher. Along with several others, he founded the fanzine Sopes d’all. His illustrations have been published in the press, and he has also worked in advertising and illustrated text books. Throughout 2004, he published the comic-strip story Roc Roca i les lladres del monestir (Roc Roca and the Monastery Thieves) in the children’s magazine Cavall Fort. Roger Roig was born in Valls in 1971. He has a degree in Catalan Philology and works in publishing. He has published several short stories in different collections.